I like to introduce all of my clients to a fairly comprehensive list of all the transformational wisdom teachers and teachings that I have used over the last 25 years so that they can understand how I work and what I feel is beneficial.
I highly recommend all teachings by the following authors:
Eckhart Tolle – author of “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth”
Louise Hay – author of “You Can Heal Your Life”
John Gray – author of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”
Wayne Dyer – author of “Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life”
Rhonda Byrne – author of “The Secret” and “The Power”
Abraham-Hicks – author of “Ask and it is Given” and “Learning to Manifest Your Desires”
There are many more wonderful transformational wisdom teachers and teachings available as well. I am always supportive of whatever works for you on your journey to relationship health, happiness, and well-being.